Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Oh my goodness! How did I get so much stuff into a little bedroom? I thought the easy part would be packing the stuff that I don't want to take to Honduras with me, but this is impossible. What does this mean for the packing of stuff that I want to take with me? How do you pack a years worth of stuff into 2 bags? AHHHH!

The time is drawing near and in no way am I reconsidering my decision to move to Central America, but I will be very sad to leave the life I have built here. I am so sad to leave the best job that I have ever had. Today I was walking through the halls of the hospital and was nauseated just thinking about never seeing this place, these people and these kids again. In addition, my personal training kid, who I feel is like my "other little sister", told me that she didn't want me to leave. It touches my heart to know that people will miss me so much. The only thing keeping me moving forward is knowing that I will probably experience these same feelings when it is time to come back to the states.

As for my other lives (Atlanta and Florida) I am very sorry that I won't be visiting my old friends regularly over the next year. These visits have kept me going over the last 2 years and I can't imagine life without them. I can only hope that everyone will come see me and experience the awesome culture of Honduras!


Carole said...

Hi Jenny, I am so proud of you. I will be following you during this great adventure. Good luck and take care

Marcia said...

I have always been so impressed with your sense of adventure and your natural curiosity. I know that your warm heart and generous spirit will be embraced by all of the people whose lives you touch on this journey. I will follow your blog, includes lots of pictures.

Colleen H said...

aahhhhhhh Jenny, I got a little teary when I read how much you've enjoyed being at La Rabida. I am going to miss your positive, can-do attitude but am glad to be sharing your talents with a worthy cause. Looking forward to your blog. Good luck and be brave

Juan Jose Espinoza said...

I want to know more..!! you are already at Honduras asi que ponte a escribir y cuentame como te va.. jaja
Good luck