Friday, August 7, 2009

Olympiadas Prep

Definition (before):
Olympiadas - A ridiculous waste of time and energy in order to bring everyone on the ranch together; an opportunity to show case the typical Honduran way of doing things which is disorganized and as inefficient as possible; typically a series of meetings about what is going to happen in the next meeting; one night of dance contest, mural contest, flag contest and mascot contest; another day full of team games and activities (this day actually seems like the only worthwhile part of the ordeal)
-Stay tuned for the “after” definition

So, we have begun preparing for Olympiadas. We have 3 weeks to throw together a dance, costumes, a mascot, a team flag and a mural. All of this needs to represent our assigned country, Jamaica, and assigned value, peace. My team has met 3 times and, so far, we have none of the above. I have been put in charge of the music, which isn’t too bad, except that I have to find Jamaican music that can be made into a dance for a range of talent and ages. I love reggae as much as the next person, but have any of you ever tried to choreograph a dance to it, not easy. Also complicating things is the fact that half of the team doesn’t show up to the meetings and they refuse to volunteer to participate in anything. Everyone keeps telling me that everything will fall together at the last minute. When I was in college, I pretty much lived my academic life in this manner, but since then I have been more of a planner and preparer. This event is definitely testing my ability to be flexible and open minded.

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